Mark Reads Breaking Dawn


In the fourth book in the Mark Reads series, witness the slow and horrific decline in one person's mental health as they try to read all of Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn. This eBook version of Mark Reads Breaking Dawn is fully-adapted from the original series of reviews! Here's what you can expect:

  • Over 100 footnotes, including a new method of quoting/sourcing the original text, as well as plenty of sassy commentary.
  • Numerous brand new reviews, replacing image-heavy essays that were impossible to replicate in book form.
  • Updated to include better references, metaphors, and removed problematic words/phrases/metaphors/idea.
  • 38 chapters and an epilogue. It's 144 pages long!


This is available in three file types: PDF, Kindle .mobi, and ePub, which works with all Apple products and the Nook.

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