Hello! Some updates to the store June 21 2013, 63690 Comments
Following some feedback given over the past day or so, I've made a few changes!
1) You'll always be able to choose PayPal or Stripe when checking out. Some people only had PayPal show up for them.
2) You can now buy the full seasons/sets of video commissions in the Mark Watches archive, and they're at a discounted rate! When you do this, you'll get a link to the page with every episode/video so that you don't have to do them one at a time in the store. Here's what's available right now:
- Mark Watches Bones, $19.99
- Mark Watches Buffy - Season 6, $9.99
- Mark Watches Buffy - Season 7, $16.99
- Mark Watches Dead Like Me - Season 1, $11.99
- Mark Watches Dead Like Me - Season 2, $12.99
- Mark Watches Madoka Magica, $9.99
- Mark Watches Stargate Set, $21.99
- Mark Watches The Legend of Korra, $9.99
This will always be offered from here on out as I continue to archive my videos!
3) I have plenty of more archiving planned! Here's what's next:
- The rest of Cowboy Bebop and Princess Tutu
- A complete Mark Watches Angel archive
- Season 1 of both The West Wing and Friday Night Lights.
Thanks for the constructive criticism! Let me know if there's anything else you find weird or broken. And thanks to the many folks who have already purchased something from me! It means the world.
Mark (Who Does Stuff)
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Vahtangpvumup on May 25 2021 at 09:10AM
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